Confessions of a Callboy

Kyle Langan

Book cover for Confessions of a Callboy
Book cover for Confessions of a Callboy

Confessions of a Callboy

Confessions of a Callboy

Kyle Langan

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Rick Noble never wanted to be gay - and he never thought he was. But there is a mysterious, recurring dream that continues to haunt him.

After fleeing to Los Angeles once his family goes broke, a desperate Rick is lured in by a Hollywood writer to perform favors for money. Before he knows it, he becomes entrenched in the seedy world of male escorting. Through his new career as a gay callboy, Rick embarks on a journey of self-discovery to grapple with his own sexual identity and to let go of the person he once thought he was.

But when his escorting leads him to commit a heinous crime, there is another secret Rick must keep - in addition to his homosexuality. But to what lengths will he go to keep his secrets buried?

Publishing Information

Publisher: Independently Published
Pub date: 2022-05-23
Length: 218 pages

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