Every Moment Holy, Volume III (Hardcover): The Work of the People

Douglas Kaine McKelvey, Ned Bustard

Book cover for Every Moment Holy, Volume III (Hardcover): The Work of the People
Book cover for Every Moment Holy, Volume III (Hardcover): The Work of the People

Every Moment Holy, Volume III (Hardcover): The Work of the People

Every Moment Holy, Volume III (Hardcover): The Work of the People

Douglas Kaine McKelvey, Ned Bustard

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Every Moment Holy, Volume III: The Work of the People is a book of over 100 new liturgies for daily life, drawing on a range of writers, artists, poets, songwriters, pastors, and illustrators (with Douglas Kaine McKelvey both writing and editing). With prayers by Malcolm Guite, Ellie Holcomb, Philip Yancey, Ruth Chou Simons, Sho Baraka, Andrew Peterson and more, this collection represents a community of believers engaged in the work of reminding all of us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose and eternal hopes even in the midst of the everyday moments that make up our lives.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Every Moment Holy
Pub date: 2023-11-10
Length: 432 pages

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