Golden Terrace: Volume 2

Cang Wu Bin Bai, E. Danglars, Molly Rabbitt

Book cover for Golden Terrace: Volume 2
Book cover for Golden Terrace: Volume 2

Golden Terrace: Volume 2

Golden Terrace: Volume 2

Cang Wu Bin Bai, E. Danglars, Molly Rabbitt

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As the bond between Fu Shen and Yan Xiaohan deepens, the looming threat above the empire of Great Zhou remains omnipresent. After the settlement of the Kuangshan Academy case, Yan Xiaohan accompanies Prince Qi southward to Jingchu. However, an unexpected storm traps Prince Qi's party inside a mysterious temple and leads Yan Xiaohan into a hidden lion's den.

Meanwhile, the investigation on Fu Shen's injury continues to reveal deeper mysteries that enshroud the imperial court. To protect their loved ones and establish peace in this turbulent land, Fu Shen and Yan Xiaohan must conquer the impending danger and uncover the truths of the nation.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Peach Flower House LLC
Pub date: 2022-11-15
Length: 408 pages

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