Goodnight, Jesus: A Childrenâ (Tm)S Bedtime Story

Kate Sydnor

Book cover for Goodnight, Jesus: A Childrenâ (Tm)S Bedtime Story
Book cover for Goodnight, Jesus: A Childrenâ (Tm)S Bedtime Story

Goodnight, Jesus: A Childrenâ (Tm)S Bedtime Story

Goodnight, Jesus: A Childrenâ (Tm)S Bedtime Story

Kate Sydnor

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In this enchanting board book, Kate Sydnor delights children (and parents!) in reflecting on those they love, God's blessings, our gratitude for others, and the things we are thankful for -- all with the tenderness of a child's heart. Endearing pages with lines such as "Goodnight, neighbors and goodnight, friends" are placed side by side with lines from the Bible, such as "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31).
Children will be captivated by the soothing repetition and enchanting images that highlight the importance in their lives of:

  • Faith, family, and friends
  • Teachers and guides
  • God's many gifts
  • Scripture and worship at Church
  • Their personal relationship with Jesus

This warm, joyful book will help children learn to praise, adore, and love God in simple but meaningful ways. In page after precious page, it will awaken their young hearts to the consoling joy of God the Father's love for them and teach them how to draw near to God, rest in Jesus' arms close to His Sacred Heart, and "be thankful for everything" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

About the Author

Kate Sydnor is a wife and mom who lives in Birmingham, Alabama. She has a bachelor of arts degree in early childhood education. As a former schoolteacher, Kate has always found that reading to children is not only developmentally important but also a beautiful experience for children and caregivers.

Anna Morelli is a professional artist and illustrator. She has won multiple artistic awards, has illustrated several children's books, and has designed numerous prints, including a series titled Happy Saints.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Ewtn Publishing Inc.
Pub date: 2023-08-15
Length: 16 pages

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