The Gospel by Gen Z

@Gen Z. Bible Stories

Book cover for The Gospel by Gen Z
Book cover for The Gospel by Gen Z

The Gospel by Gen Z

The Gospel by Gen Z

@Gen Z. Bible Stories

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"Mary was a pick me girl for god and was simping for him in prayer when the angel gabriel appeared to her and said ayo you're a real one and the top g is feelin you but she thought his compliment was low key sus and gave him the side eye so he said babygirl chill god sent me to tell you youve passed his vibe check"

  • 50 stories taken from the four gospels translated into Gen Z
  • Beautiful high resolution classical artwork in every chapter
  • Full glossary of Gen Z phrases used and memes referenced

Publishing Information

Publisher: Novo Cantico
Pub date: 2023-12-01
Length: 134 pages

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