The Great Gatsby and Other Works

F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ken Mondschein

Book cover for The Great Gatsby and Other Works
Book cover for The Great Gatsby and Other Works

The Great Gatsby and Other Works

The Great Gatsby and Other Works

F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ken Mondschein

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Three of the great American novels by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the incomparable chronicler of the Jazz Age, are all together in one keepsake volume.

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote some of the most acclaimed novels of the 20th century, and literary scholars regard him as one of the finest American writers of all time. His stories were the stories of the "Lost Generation," Americans who came of age after World War I, amid Prohibition and the rise of jazz, and who responded to the uncertainty and change of the time by living each day to the hilt. Included in this attractive, leather-bound volume of Fitzgerald's most notable long-form works are tales of wealth, romance, and scandal: The Great Gatsby, This Side of Paradise, and The Beautiful and Damned. It's a time capsule of America in the 1920s and 1930s.

About the Author

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) was an American writer whose best-known works include This Side of Paradise (1922), The Great Gatsby (1925), and Tender Is the Night (1934).

Ken Mondschein is a college professor, scholar, fencing master, jouster, and author with expertise in subjects ranging from medieval history to contemporary politics. He was a Fulbright scholar to France, received his PhD in history from Fordham University and is certified as a master of historical fencing by the US Fencing Coaches' Association. His work includes history, fencing, introductions to works of classic literature, and other projects.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Canterbury Classics
Pub date: 2021-01-05
Length: 736 pages

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