Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing: The Proven Technique

Thomas J. Senatore

Book cover for Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing: The Proven Technique
Book cover for Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing: The Proven Technique

Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing: The Proven Technique

Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing: The Proven Technique

Thomas J. Senatore

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Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing, The Proven Techniques was written to encourage those who may have heard of this technique to learn more to become an educated investor. With a little bit of knowledge, some examples of transactions and seeing how it was done could just be what the reader needs to take a chance and some risk to make a bit of money.

With giving a clear and concise image of what actually tax lien and tax deed investing is and how to carefully navigate the process, the reader will be given a chance to make amazing profits. With tax lien and tax deed investing, you have the opportunity to make up to 36% interest each year. When most people find a letter from the tax collector in their mailbox, it usually is a bill, but for the tax lien investor, it will be check after check made payable to them. To even add a bonus, if the tax lien was purchased inside their self-directed Roth IRA, all profits would be exempt from income taxes.

With every state holding a tax lien auction or tax deed auction, we show the reader how to win a property and pay pennies on the dollar. Imagine attending an auction, and you end up the winning bidder and now are the proud owner of that beautiful home and you only paid 15% of the value. What if you paid 50% of the value and now you have a home you can live in with 50% of the value as profits? Now many of you reading may not have the cash and are afraid this is only for the rich people. Well put that thought aside because the first deal I got into, I found an investor to put up all the money.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Christian Faith
Pub date: 2019-12-03
Length: 226 pages
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