Creepy Crafts: 50 Macabre Projects for Peculiar Adults

Ashley Voortman

Book cover for Creepy Crafts: 50 Macabre Projects for Peculiar Adults
Book cover for Creepy Crafts: 50 Macabre Projects for Peculiar Adults

Creepy Crafts: 50 Macabre Projects for Peculiar Adults

Creepy Crafts: 50 Macabre Projects for Peculiar Adults

Ashley Voortman

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Jumpstart your imagination with spine-tingling craft instruction from TikTok-beloved artist Ashley Voortman. Her whimsical crafts bring a little bit of spooky spirit into the everyday with detailed instructions on out-of-the-ordinary sculpture and painting projects. Make a human heart from old books or sculpt a spider teapot from clay and thrifted china. Craft miniatures for a tiny witch or build a spirit board straight out of your favorite horror movie. Ashley's attention to upcycled materials will have you looking at your empty soy sauce bottles, broken dishware, and crushed matchboxes in a new, ghastly way.

Ashley's oil paint and sculpting expertise ensures that you'll make quality crafts that'll keep you up at night--if you dare. Her playful, quirky tone encourages crafters to accept mistakes and embrace the strange as part of the art-making process. Hone your craft and fill your shelves with homemade oddities with these impressive, otherworldly projects.

About the Author

Ashley Voortman is a graphic designer and artist beloved on TikTok, where she posts process videos featuring her peculiar art. She currently resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Page Street Publishing
Pub date: 2024-10-15
Length: 160 pages
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