Doodle Breaks Notepad: De-Stress with a Doodle a Day

Melissa Lloyd

Book cover for Doodle Breaks Notepad: De-Stress with a Doodle a Day
Book cover for Doodle Breaks Notepad: De-Stress with a Doodle a Day

Doodle Breaks Notepad: De-Stress with a Doodle a Day

Doodle Breaks Notepad: De-Stress with a Doodle a Day

Melissa Lloyd

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Start to stress less and feel happier today! Helping you to calm your mind, improve focus and help you to sleep better. Our stress relief notepad will help you achieve this regardless of how busy or chaotic things seem around you.
De-Stress with 80 fun and easy Doodle Breaks! Using Doodle Breaks is a healthy, productive break for your day.
It's amazing how this one tool can benefit you in so many ways!

Publishing Information

Publisher: Doodle Lovely Inc
Pub date: 2021-09-17
Length: 84 pages

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