My New Baby

Rachel Fuller

Book cover for My New Baby
Book cover for My New Baby

My New Baby

My New Baby

Rachel Fuller

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There is so much to find out when a baby is born! What does it smell like, and when will it walk? When does it sleep, and what does it like to eat? A new addition to any family is exciting, but the experience can alsobe worrying and confusing for siblings. Coping with the new situations and emotions that arise can be very challenging. This series of four board books deals with the anticipation of waiting for the new baby, the excitement of the arrival itself, and the beginnings of the special relationship that develops between siblings. The simple conversational text and lively illustrations are carefully designed to encourage further dialogue between reader and child.

Critical Reviews

A toddler observes and asks questions about the new baby in this story, part of a series designed to help new siblings adjust. "Why does the baby always have milk?" the toddler wonders as her mother breastfeeds. The child's constant smiles, even when things get a little rough ("Why is Baby crying? Can we make it stop?"), and the cozy family home are in keeping with the book's positive focus. Also available: Waiting for Baby, You and Me, and Look at Me! Up to age 3.-- "Publishers Weekly" (2/1/2010 12:00:00 AM)

Anticipating an addition to the family is both exciting and daunting for young children so this sensitive story was most welcome. It is part of a series - Waiting for Baby, You and Me and Look at Me - and stimulated much discussion about the different emotions, both pleasing and anxious, associated with a new arrival. It encouraged a very quiet and shy pupil to contribute and share her family secret!-- "Carousel" (4/1/2010 12:00:00 AM)

"These four books in the New Baby series are just right for toddlers awaiting and adjusting to the birth of a new sibling. They cover pregnancy, welcoming the baby, and learning to play and live together. ... The multiracial families are always smiling and gentle. Colorful artwork fills each page. The writing is clear, conversational, and full of common situations."-- "School Library Journal" (4/1/2011 12:00:00 AM)

"The New Baby series from Child's Play is spot on accurate. ... watercolors and graphite or grease pencil outlines are friendly and exuberant." javascript: EditTextDlgSubmit()-- "Readertotz blog" (4/1/2011 12:00:00 AM)

"The child's constant smiles, even when things get a little rough ('Why is Baby crying? Can we make it stop?'), and the cozy family home are in keeping with the book's positive focus."-- "Publishers Weekly" (4/1/2011 12:00:00 AM)

Publishing Information

Publisher: Child's Play International
Pub date: 2009-05-01
Length: 12 pages

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