ENEMIES FROM WITHOUT AND WITHIN Four years ago, Chang Geng and Gu Yun parted in anger. When fate draws them together again, Chang Geng, a once-awkward teen, is now an elegant and adroit young man. But storms lie ahead. As Great Liang faces foreign pressure from without, Gu Yun finds himself embroiled in turmoil within the imperial court. Meanwhile, as the curse in Chang Geng's blood grows, his feelings for his godfather become more painful to subdue by the day. How much longer can he keep Gu Yun from learning his secret...and what will happen when he can hide it no more?
About the Author
About the Author
priest is a bestselling and award-winning Chinese author known for a large body of work, including several popular danmei series. priest's works have been translated into many languages and adapted into animated shows, audio dramas, comics, and live-action dramas, and include hits Guardian: Zhen Hun, Bandits/Legend of Fei, Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor, and Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang.
Publishing Information
Publishing Information
Seven Seas
Pub date:
412 pages
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