Teaching Reading Sourcebook

Bill Honig, Linda Diamond, Linda Gutlohn

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Teaching Reading Sourcebook

Teaching Reading Sourcebook

Bill Honig, Linda Diamond, Linda Gutlohn

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Top-rated by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), this bestselling, user-friendly guide to effective reading instruction is solidly grounded in the science of reading. Combining the best features of an academic text and a practical, hands-on teacher's guide, the Teaching Reading Sourcebook comprehensively covers the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five essential components of effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. To facilitate comprehension and learning, the Sourcebook is organized according to the guiding questions behind explicit instruction (what? why? when? and how?). Each chapter includes a graphic, easy-to-understand explanation of the subject matter (what?); a concise summary of evidence-based research with a list of suggested readings (why?); suggested instructional timelines, assessments, and interventions (when?); and explicit, step-by-step lesson models that bridge the gap between research and practice (how?).

The 3rd Edition includes a new section on reading instruction within a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework.

Listed by the National Council on Teacher Quality's 2020 Teacher Prep Review as one of 10 textbooks that comprehensively and rigorously cover the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five essential components of effective reading instruction.

COMPANION SITETeachingReadingSourcebook.com
Useful resources for Teachers and Instructors including Sourcebook Sampler and Table of Contents.

TOPICS COVERED Word Structure (English and Spanish) * Print Awareness * Letter Knowledge * Phonological Awareness * Decoding * Phonics * Irregular Word Reading * Multisyllabic Word Reading * Reading Fluency * Fluency Assessment * Fluency Instruction * Vocabulary * Specific Word Instruction * Word-Learning Strategies * Word Consciousness * Comprehension of Literary Text * Comprehension of Informational Text * MTSS for Reading Success

About the Author

Bill Honig is a founder of CORE, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction of California, former chair and vice-chair of the California Instructional Quality Commission, and author of Teaching Our Children to Read: The Role of Skills in a Comprehensive Reading Program. He currently blogs on his website Building Better Schools.

Linda Diamond is a founder and president of CORE; a national speaker on literacy, leadership, assessment, and English-language learners; a former school principal and director of instruction; author of the middle-school supplemental vocabulary intervention program Word Intelligence; co-author of Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures and the Vocabulary Handbook; and author of numerous professional articles.

Linda Gutlohn is a developer, editor, and writer of literacy products and grant proposals. She is co-author of the Vocabulary Handbook, Word ID: Assessment Across the Content Areas, and a newly published research paper entitled "Morpheme Frequency in Academic Words: Identifying High-Utility Morphemes for Instruction."

Carrie L. Cole, President, Side-by-Side Educational Consulting

Roxanne F. Hudson, Professor, University of Washington, College of Education

Holly B. Lane, Associate Professor and Director School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies, College of Education, University of Florida

Jacalyn Mahler, Learning Resource Developer

Paige C. Pullen, Literacy Officer and Research Professor, Lastinger Center for Learning and School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies, College of Education, University of Florida

Critical Reviews

"Provides both distilled theory and research, with lessons you can teach tomorrow morning. It is a keeper . . .a textbook that pre-service and classroom teachers will want to keep and pull off of their professional bookshelf quite often." --Shane Templeton, Ph.D.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Academic Therapy Publications
Pub date: 2018-09-01
Length: 848 pages

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