The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents

Gregg Jarrett

Book cover for The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents
Book cover for The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents

The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents

The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents

Gregg Jarrett

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Printed in the United States of America!

A collection of some of the most important documents and speeches that have shaped America, with commentary and insights from Fox News star and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Russia Hoax, Gregg Jarrett.

In this volume, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are brought together with dozens of other historic documents and speeches which shaped the destiny of the United States of America. Also included are the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, and the Articles of Confederation. Gregg Jarrett introduces and explains how each of these great documents created the America we know today.

In addition to these Founding documents, this deluxe keepsake contains other legendary works from our nation's history, including Frederick Douglass's July 4th speech, Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, and Ronald Reagan's Berlin Wall speech.

A tribute to the great minds and indelible words that have made America great, The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents is essential for every patriot and anyone interested in knowing and understanding the course of American history.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Broadside Books
Pub date: 2023-11-14
Length: 544 pages

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