The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)

Jon Stone, Michael Smollin

Book cover for The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)
Book cover for The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)

The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)

The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street)

Jon Stone, Michael Smollin

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Read along as Grover begs you not to turn the page -- because there is a monster at this end of this book!

Lovable, furry old Grover is distressed to learn that there's a monster at the end of this book! He begs readers not to turn the pages, but of course kids feel they just have to see this monster for themselves. Grover is astonished--and toddlers will be delighted--to discover who is really the monster at the end of the book!

About the Author

Jon Stone was the first head writer for Sesame Street, and was one of the show's principal directors and producers for more than 24 years. He died in 1997.

Michael Smollin is an illustrator. His books include Another Monster at the End of This Book and The Alligator's A. B. C.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Golden Books
Pub date: 1999-12-31
Length: 24 pages

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