Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings

Shel Silverstein, Shel Silverstein

Book cover for Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings
Book cover for Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings

Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings

Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings

Shel Silverstein, Shel Silverstein

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Shel Silverstein, the New York Times bestselling author of The Giving Tree, A Light in the Attic, Falling Up, and Every Thing On It, has created a poetry collection that is outrageously funny and deeply profound. Come in . . . for where the sidewalk ends, Shel Silverstein's world begins.

You'll meet a boy who turns into a TV set, and a girl who eats a whale. The Unicorn and the Bloath live there, and so does Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout who will not take the garbage out. It is a place where you wash your shadow and plant diamond gardens, a place where shoes fly, sisters are auctioned off, and crocodiles go to the dentist.

Shel Silverstein's masterful collection of poems and drawings stretches the bounds of imagination and will be cherished by readers of all ages. This is a collection that belongs on everyone's bookshelf. Makes a great gift for special occasions such as holidays, birthdays, and graduation.

And don't miss Runny Babbit Returns, the new book by Shel Silverstein!

Critical Reviews

"An ideal book for teachers to have handy. If you want to ungloom your day, start Where the Sidewalk Ends."--Reading Teacher.

"A zesty collection of humorous light verse."--SLJ.

"These rhymes are perfect bite-sized nuggets of jest."--Brightly

Publishing Information

Publisher: HarperCollins
Pub date: 2014-02-18
Length: 176 pages

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