The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts January - May 1997

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Book cover for The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts January - May 1997
Book cover for The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts January - May 1997

The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts January - May 1997

The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts January - May 1997

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

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The Cassiopaea Experiment is unique in the history of channeling, mediumship, and parapsychology. For years prior to the first Cassiopaean transmission, Laura Knight-Jadczyk went to great lengths to study the channeling phenomenon, including its history, its inherent strengths, weaknesses, dangers, and the various theories and methods developed in the past. After having exhausted the standard literature in search of answers to the fundamental problems of humanity, Laura and her colleagues (including her husband, mathematical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk) have held regular sittings for more than twenty years.With the goal of applying true scientific standards and critical thinking, Laura began her experimentation with the spirit board, chosen for the optimum conditions of conscious feedback it offers. As Laura writes, "We take the approach of a sort of scientific mysticism where mystical claims are submitted to rational analysis and testing, and the required scientific proofs are modified to allow for the nature of evidence from theorized realms outside of our own where ordinary scientific proofs might not apply."For the first time in print, this volume includes complete transcripts of 17 experimental sessions conducted between January and May 1997. Following the various clues given by the Cassiopaeans, Knight-Jadczyk includes email correspondence documenting the early stages of her research leading to the publication of her book The Secret History of the World, as well as illuminating the rationale behind the questions and answers in this year - a year that demonstrates the material manifestations of how reality shifts begin.

About the Author

Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a historian and author of 14 books that span many disciplines including history, psychology, spirituality and politics. Underpinning all of Laura's work is a powerful drive to discover the Truth, whatever that Truth might be. In her unique approach to research, everything is challenged and no official 'truth', no official version of events, is too sacrosanct to be exempted from rigorous testing. As she pursues her goal to uncover the solutions to the problems of Humankind, it is her love and respect for the Truth that makes her a truly peerless researcher and author.

Publishing Information

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date: 2017-06-23
Length: 400 pages

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